Dr. Christian Dietrich

My current research in German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History at the European University Viadrina focusses on the general and still very modern question of when do you become a Democrat and how do you stay one? With a focus on a generation of German democrats who were socialized in the Weimar Republic and were decisive for the democratic reorganization after 1945, I pursue these questions for the period from 1918 to 1961.

My future goal is to stay in science. However, I know that there are also important social tasks outside of universities. Committed people are needed everywhere!

In my recently completed study on positions on anti-Semitism and Zionism in the German Social Democracy of the Weimar Republic, I used the concept of the constellation as key term in order to present the party positions not only from the perspective of the history of ideas, but also from the context of political struggles and taking into account existing options for action.

Constellation is also a key term in my current research project: A political history of democracy between 1918 and 1961, in which I focus on a generation of German Democrats who were socialized in the Weimar Republic and were decisive for the democratic reorganization after 1945.